Get our proven, 7-figure launch system to sell MORE seats in your programs, courses, and events, whether it’s your first or fiftieth launch.

5-Day Self-Paced Workshop starting May 20, 2024
Each day you’ll get an email from Angela & Melissa with a power-packed multimedia training, so you can watch when it works for you. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and get real, direct feedback in your own time.

Get mind-blowing results for yourself and your clients
with our proven system to develop and launch in-person and online courses, programs & events.

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As featured in…

We’ve cracked the code on successfully scaling one-to-many offers in-person and online while exponentially increasing the power and profitability of your work.

Nice to meet you.

We are Angela & Melissa, and we are the co-founders of Stand for the And Education Co—our full-service, white-glove agency that supports authors, though-leaders, and industry experts create and launch programming that helps them build their legacy businesses.

Together, over the last five years alone, we have helped create and launch global programs that have generated over $56 million in revenue, and counting.
Not only are we expert marketers with two decades of combined experience in online business growth and strategy, but we're also credentialed educators who have taught tens of thousands of adult learners, both in-person and online. We’ve built our own businesses over the last decade and have helped thousands of others build theirs.