How to Create Transformative Learning Experiences
Ever wondered what screenwriting can teach us about transformative program facilitation?
During my undergrad years, I took two screenwriting classes from a professor I had the fattest crush on.
I thought he was just, like, the coolest thing ever.
And though I never pursued screenwriting, I remember A TON from his classes, of course. He had my attention.
I remember one of the first lessons distinctly.
He said, "Unfortunately, I hate to break it to you, but I'm going to ruin movie-going for you for the rest of your life. Because after this class, you're going to understand the choices that the screenwriter and the director have made in order to create the film, and it's going to be like a peek behind the curtain. You'll no longer be passive movie-goers.
“On the flip side, you will appreciate film so much more when it's good, because you know what it took to make that experience happen for you at the movies.”
Crafting Transformative Learning Experiences
Many, many years later, and this lesson is still relevant to me in this work-- not specific to film, but the act of deconstruction to see how something is made.
It's not so different than facilitating programs on and off line.
Once you know how to build a program, you no longer get to be a passive participant, wondering what on earth just happened unto you in any given learning experience.
Once you understand the difference between teaching and facilitating, you'll likely demand more from your learning experiences when you are the learner.
When you're in the role of LEADING, though, it's your job to ensure your participants walk away with the feeling of I got SO much out of this experience! I'm changed by it.
Teaching requires you to know the WHAT of whatever it is you're teaching. It's the content. It's the stuff you could probably find if you googled hard enough.
Facilitation, however, is HOW you move people through a learning process-- so that the learning becomes a part of them. They embody it, and get the transformation that they came to you for. It's the choices you make on how to deliver the information.
Good programs, like good movies, don't happen by accident.
They happen by a series of intentional choices on the part of the creator.
If you're ready to learn the intentional choices program/course creators make to ensure their participants are learning AND are doing so in a psychologically safe environment where they get the results they came for, let us be the first to tell ya-- recorded lectures AIN'T IT.
What is working for digital course creation?
Learning intentional instructional design.
Learning how to share your message so people are moved to participate.
Learning how to sell your programs like an ethical human being.
And learning how to facilitate your programs effectively so that your people get results.