Stuck? You Get to Choose.
Ever feel like you're the only one who is stuck? You look around and you wonder why everyone else seems to have it completely together?
Congratulations. You're human.
Rest assured, everyone feels stuck at some point.
But only some of us decide to get unstuck by taking action.
Some of us feel the lure of perfectionism and stare it down-- a battle of wills.
We decide to do something…anything in the direction of what we desire.
The truth is… you're not really stuck.
You are simply not wanting to continue the process THROUGH.
A process that can be learned!
Listen. Learning is vulnerable. It requires us to say, “I actually don't know, but I'm willing to show up and try and keep trying until I figure it out.”
To us, two credentialed teachers who are truly obsessed with teaching and learning-- this is the ultimate stance in courage and faith.
Those who find success aren't the ones born most talented, or the ones with the best ideas, or even the one with the most resources.
Those who ultimately find success are the ones who are vulnerable enough to step out of their comfort zones and change their status quo by learning AND DOING something new.
Stuckness, then, becomes a choice entirely in your hands.